Sunday, April 19, 2009

-) Serving for 4 hours to only make $23 in tips, which is exactly the amount of money I had to part ways with to pay my manager for my work-shirt, made me extremely sad today.

+) Not feeling sick today made me feel really great!

-) Because I was feeling so great, I was semi-miserable that it rained outside today...ALL.FRICKIN.DAY.LONG

+) Since, I had to stay indoors, I was motivated to practice some instruments (harmonica and guitar) so that was a blast. Here's to hoping I really for real for reals make a habit out of it, for that is the ONLY way I can improve. Down with giving up.

So, we have 2 negatives and 2 positives, which should make the overall day neutral, but I'm feeling more like it was a positive day so I guess the positives carried a little more value than the negs. Also, maybe it's because I'm about to +) read more of HP and the Prisoner of Azkaban and +) Wake up a smidgen later than normal tomorrow because I get to skip my MicroLab!! but -) Have to go to the library to write a paper on my unknown organism, which I believe is Neisseria canis.

UPDATE : I was wrong, my unknown organism wasn't Neisseria canis at all. I'm bummed.

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